Sunday, March 7, 2010

Waking the Warrior Goddess Within

The Warrior Goddess has been calling me lately to step out of my past, bless my lessons, to rise from the fire, from the ashes and transform into my true self, my Phoenix essence, my Firebird.

Goddess Oya

Beautiful Oya, your stength honors and humbles me. 
I ask you to fill me with your courage, 
so I may clear away what blocks my path. 
Help me to know my mind and speak it without fear. 
Protect me in my battle to know my true self.

I found a book that honors the Warrior Goddess, called Awakening Female Power: The Way of the Goddess Warrior by Karin LaPuma.

One reader reviewed it and had to say this about the book, "It is a confidence/self-esteem builder; helps you figure out how to deal with the "monsters" in your personality; serves as a reminder of important values you may have forgotten & reminds you to respect yourself & find strength in your weaknesses."

I personally am looking forward to reading it! 

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