Thursday, August 20, 2009

Celebrating the New Moon in Leo

I received a beautiful blessing today...

I drew a card today from Isha Lerner's Triple Goddess Deck and received the Bliss card.

O happy soul, whose body has risen from the Earth which you wander and tread on during your sojourn in this world. Made to be the very mirror of Divinity, you have been crowned with divine imagination and intelligence. –Hildegard of Bingen
Soul Message: Through the energy centers within my body that carry the life force of the universe, I am in communion with Earth and stars. My thoughts, my actions, my creative vitality, birth the return of the Great Bliss Queen. I shall walk the path of Infinite Bliss. My heart glows with divine love and joy.

Alchemy and Transformation: At this stage of initiation—through regular prayer, meditation, and visualization—the human body begins to transform into a being of Infinite Bliss. The organs are strengthened and new levels of perception are awakened. The preconditions necessary to attain true peace and freedom have been fulfilled.

Awakening to the Archetype –The Great Bliss Queen of Tibet : The Great Bliss Queen has completely gone beyond the human tendency to solidify and objectify the things of this world. For Her, life is a holographic dance of translucent, rainbow-colored patterns of energy that dip and swirl and interweave. She smiles and laughs because She is fundamentally free, and because She knows that we are, too!

Everyday Encounters: You encounter the Great Bliss Queen in your life when you are fully present and alive in the world of form, while fully immersed in your flaming wisdom bliss. When you dance wild and naked in the moonlight; moan in ecstasy; squeal with delight; sign in sweet repose; or have a good, hard belly laugh at the sheer absurdity and wonder of it all. When you let your heart break open to the agony and the ecstasy, and especially when you discover that agony and ecstasy are, ultimately, one and the same. In short, once you have awakened to your own blissful nature, you encounter the Great Bliss Queen everywhere. There is no place She is not. She is All. All is Bliss.

Nature’s Healers: Pomegranate


I say goodbye to destructive influences
There are rainbows in every rainfall
I am awake to my life's calling
I welcome Kali's strength & recuperative powers
I trust the Universe to provide
It's OK to release my juicy anger
I can say "no" to negative influences

I am inspired today by Mother Kali -her PASSION and physical and sexual energy. I am alert to those who undermine my self-confidence - Kali is here to hurl my life onto a new path that will ultimately prove to be more fulfilling than my current path.

My new life path reveals itself to me...HOW BEAUTIFUL.

I will wait with patience...
I will plant seeds of confidence
I will trust in my inner guide


in gratitude,
the curious mermaid

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